Music Unit 1

Organisation of Music



In this unit students explore and develop their understanding of how music is organised. By performing, creating, analysing and responding to music works that exhibit different approaches, students explore and develop their understanding of the possibilities of musical organisation. They prepare and perform ensemble and/or solo musical works to develop technical control, expression and stylistic understanding on their chosen instrument/sound source. They create (arrange, compose or improvise) short music exercises that reflect their understanding of the organisation of music and the processes they have studied. They develop knowledge of music language concepts as they analyse and respond to a range of music, becoming familiar with the ways music creators treat elements of music and concepts and use compositional devices to create works that communicate their ideas.

Unit Prerequisites


Areas of Study

  • Performance
  • Creating
  • Analysing and Responding

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Unit Assessment

Outcome 1: Performance

  • Group Performance (5 mins at Creative Arts)
  • Solo Performance (10 mins)

Outcome 2: Creating

  • Demonstration (6 mins)
  • Discussion Oral / Multimedia (4 mins)

Outcome 3: Analysing and Responding

  • Aural, written and practical test (80 minutes)


Music Unit 2

Effect in Music



In this unit, students focus on the way music can be used to create an intended effect. By performing, analysing and responding to music works/examples that create different effects, students explore and develop their understanding of the possibilities of how effect can be created. Through creating their own music, they reflect this exploration and understanding.

Students prepare and perform ensemble and/or solo musical works to develop technical control, expression and stylistic understanding using their chosen instrument/sound source. They should perform at least one work to convey a specified effect and demonstrate this in performance.

Unit Prerequisites


Areas of Study

  • Performing
  • Creating
  • Analysing and Responding

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Unit Assessment

Outcome 1: Performance
> Group Performance (5 mins at Music Festival)
> Solo Performance (15 mins)

Outcome 2: Preparing for Performance
> Demonstration (6 mins)
> Discussion Oral / Multimedia (4 mins)

Outcome 3: Music Language
> Aural, written and practical test (80 minutes)


Music Contemporary Performance
Unit 3/Music Repertoire Performance Unit 3


Music Contemporary Performance Overview

This study offers pathways for students whose performance practice includes embellishment and/or improvisation, uses collaborative and aural practices in learning, often takes recordings as a primary text, and projects a personal voice. Students study the work of other performers and analyse their approaches 

to interpretation and how personal voice can be developed through reimagining existing music works. They refine selected strategies to enhance their own approach to performance. 

Students identify technical, expressive and stylistic challenges relevant to works they are preparing for performance and endeavour to address these challenges. They listen and respond to a wide range of music by a variety of performers in contemporary styles. They also study music language concepts such as scales, harmony and rhythmic materials that relate to contemporary music.

Music Repertoire Performance Overview

This study is designed for students whose musical interests are grounded in the recreation and interpretation of notated musical works, and who wish to gain and share knowledge of musical styles and performance practices. Students may present on any instrument for which there is an established repertoire of notated works. They work towards a recital program that demonstrates highly developed technical skills and stylistic refinement as both a soloist and as an ensemble member. They develop the capacity for critical evaluations of their performances and those of others, and an ability to articulate their performance decisions with musical evidence and independence of thought.

Unit Prerequisites


Areas of Study

  • Performing
  • Analysing for Performance
  • Responding

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Unit Assessment

Unit 3 contributes to 20% of the study score

Outcome 1: Performance
Perform a selection of works being prepared for the performance examination

Outcome 2: Demonstration and Discussion 
Demonstrate and discuss performance development techniques and approaches

Outcome 3: Respond and Identify
Discuss a performer’s interpretation and manipulation of music elements and concepts in works.


Music Contemporary Performance
Unit 4/Music Repertoire Performance Unit 4


Music Contemporary Performance Overview

Students continue to work towards building a performance program they will present at their end-of-year examination in line with their Statement of Intent. The program will contain at least one performance that is a reimagined version of an existing work and an original work created by an Australian artist since 1990.

Students continue to study the work of other performers and their approaches to interpretation and personal voice in performing music works. They refine selected strategies to optimise their own approach to performance.

Students further develop strategies to address the technical, expressive and stylistic challenges relevant to works they are preparing for performance.

Students listen and respond to a further range of recorded music by a variety of performers in contemporary styles. They continue to study music language concepts that relate to contemporary music.

Music Repertoire Performance Overview

This study is designed for students whose musical interests are grounded in the recreation and interpretation of notated musical works, and who wish to gain and share knowledge of musical styles and performance practices. Students may present on any instrument for which there is an established repertoire of notated works. They work towards a recital program that demonstrates highly developed technical skills and stylistic refinement as both a soloist and as an ensemble member. They develop the capacity for critical evaluations of their performances and those of others, and an ability to articulate their performance decisions with musical evidence and independence of thought.

Unit Prerequisites

Unit 3 Music Contemporary Performance

Areas of Study

  • Performing
  • Analysing for Performance
  • Responding

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Unit Assessment

Unit 4 contributes to 10% of the study score
Outcome 2: Demonstration and Discussion 
Demonstrate and discuss performance development techniques and approaches

External Assessment

Outcome 1: Unit 3 and 4
End-of-year performance examination
The student will give a live performance drawing on knowledge and skills from Outcome 1 in Units 3 and 4.
A student may present as a soloist, or as a member of a group, according to conditions described in the examination specifications.

Outcome 3: 
End-of-year aural and written examination. The examination will be set by a panel appointed by the VCAA. All the key knowledge and key skills that underpin Outcome 3 in Units 3 and 4 are examinable.