VCE English


Units 1 + 2




The study of English contributes to the development of literate individuals capable of critical and creative thinking, and writing. VCE English focuses on how English language is used to create meaning in written, spoken and multimodal texts of varying complexity.

It is compulsory to study either English or Literature; however, if you select Literature, it is highly recommended that you study this alongside English.



Areas of Study

Unit 1

  • Reading and exploring texts
  • Crafting texts

Unit 2

  • Reading and exploring texts
  • Exploring argument

Unit Assessment

Unit 1

  • Text response
  • Writing folio
  • End of unit examination

Unit 2

  • Text response
  • Analysis of argument and language
  • End of unit examination

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English provides many diverse pathways, click through to see more.


Units 3 + 4




The study of English contributes to the development of literate individuals capable of critical and creative thinking, and writing. VCE English focuses on how English language is used to create meaning in written, spoken and multimodal texts of varying complexity.

It is compulsory to study either English or Literature; however, if you select Literature, it is highly recommended that you study this alongside English.

In order to be eligible for the study of English as an Additional Language (EAL), a strict criteria must be met according to the VCAA. If a student wishes to apply to do EAL she must contact the English Curriculum Leader during the subject selection period.

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Students usually complete English: Units 1 and 2 before studying English: Units 3 and 4. It is also possible to move into English: Units 3 and 4 if you have completed Literature: Units 1 and/or 2 the previous year.

Areas of Study

Unit 3

  • Reading and creating texts
  • Analysing and presenting argument

Unit 4

  • Reading and comparing texts
  • Analysing and presenting argument

Unit Assessment

Unit 3

SACs: 25%

  • Text response
  • Writing folio

Unit 4

SACs 25%

  • Analysis of argument and language
  • Oral presentation
  • Text response

End of year examination: 50%

Students should note that all SACs are moderated by the VCAA in light of exam performance.


English provides many diverse pathways, click through to see more.


Units 1 + 2




In this unit students focus on the ways in which the interaction between text and reader creates meaning. Students analyse the features and conventions of texts, helping them to develop increasingly discriminating responses to a range of literary forms and styles.

Additionally, students respond critically, creatively and reflectively to the ideas and concerns of texts and gain insights into how texts function as representations of human experience. They develop familiarity with key terms, concepts and practices that equip them for further studies in literature, and an awareness of how the views and values that readers hold may influence the reading of a text.

Students will study a range of text types, including a novel, poetry, a play and a film.

Download > VCE Literature Study Design


You may complete Year 10 Literature the previous year, but it is not necessary as a prerequisite for this subject.

Areas of Study

Unit 1

  • Reading practices
  • Exploration of literary movements and genres

Unit 2

  • Voices of Country
  • The text in its context

Unit Assessment

Unit 1

  • Analytical and close analysis essays, and creative response
  • End of semester exam

Unit 2

  • Analytical and close analysis essays 
  • Creative response
  • End of semester exam


It is recommended that you select Units 1 and 2 Literature in conjunction with Units 1 and 2 English.


Units 3 + 4




Unit 3 | Students consider how the form of a text affects meaning, and how writers construct their texts. They investigate ways writers adapt and transform texts and how meaning is affected as texts are adapted and transformed. They consider how the perspectives of those adapting texts may inform or influence the adaptations.

Students draw on their study of adaptations and transformations to develop creative responses to texts. Students will study a range of text types, including a novel, a collection of short stories, a play and a film.

Unit 4 | Students develop critical and analytic responses to texts. They consider the context of their responses to texts as well as the ideas explored in the texts, the style of the language and points of view.

They investigate literary criticism informing both the reading and writing of texts, and develop an informed and sustained interpretation supported by close textual analysis. Students will study a range of text types, including a novel, a collection of short stories and a collection of poetry.

Download > VCE Literature Study Design


It is recommended that you have completed Units 1 and 2 Literature before you enter Unit 3 Literature; however, it is possible to enter Unit 3 Literature with only 1 of Units 1 and 2 Literature.

Areas of Study

Unit 3

  • Adaptations and transformations
  • Developing interpretations

Unit 4

  • Creative responses to texts
  • Close analysis of texts

Unit Assessment

Unit 3

25% of study score

  • Analytical essays

Unit 4

25% of study score

  • Creative response to a text
  • Close analysis essays


  • Examination: 50% of study score
  • Two essays in two hours

Students should note that all SACs are moderated by the VCAA in light of exam performance.


If you select Literature it is recommended that you do this alongside English.