Resources that Empower Students

»¤Ê¿É«ÇéƬ embraces technology as a meaningful and valuable twenty first century learning and teaching tool and our teaching staff are continually innovating the use of traditional and emerging digital technologies in the classroom and beyond.

All students at »¤Ê¿É«ÇéƬ are provided with an Apple MacBook to help maximise their learning opportunities.

Technology is seamlessly integrated into all classrooms and learning spaces across the campus and students use a variety of digital resources across their subject choices for study, research, revision, collaboration and specialist tasks. These tools allow our staff and students to communicate, collaborate and create in ways that reflect practices in the modern workplace, while preparing them for the workplaces of the future.

We aim to empower students to become digitally literate, flexible thinkers and use technology to develop higher order thinking skills such as analysing, evaluating and creating whilst also learning about cyber safety and how to use technologies in a responsible, mature and safe manner.